Amps and preamps for Magnepan 1.6QR

I have a Yamaha RX-V2300 receiver. the output power is 110W per channel. The sales man at Maggie dealer said that i might need an AMP or Preamp to boost the maggie 1.6QR.
Could anyone help me suggest which amp and preamps would work with my receiver. Or am i actually doing fine with my receiver.
My budget is around $1500 for both amp and preamps.
Thank you all for the advise. I just received the speakers and still using my yamaha receiver for right now. To my surprise, my receiver seems to work pretty well. I am very happy with the speakers. I will consider to buy the amp later on.
I used a Denon 385 80 watts per channel with the 1.6's and it was just fine. I now have a more powerful amp - an NAD C370 - and it is also a very fine amp. But I am not technically inclined.

I used a receiver as preamp with my 1.6s for a period of time. However, it is a big trade-off from utilizing a good quality preamp and power amp as 1.6s need a lot of clean, clear power to really get them to sing with full rich sound that they are capable of as they are very revealing of upstream components. I have had the opportunity to try out a number of amps and preamps with my maggies including power amps BAT 150SE, McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe, AR VT-100 Mk II, Berning, Ayre V-1X, and Pass Aleph 2, Pass Labs X-350; pre-amps AI M3A, Rogue 99 Magnum and Pass X-1. I would recommend the BAT and AR power amps if you like tubes; Pass Labs X series if you prefer solid state. The Rogue preamp was my favorite with my system. The AI M3A was nice and warm but not as detailed and clean sounding. My two cents worth.