Amplifiers:A Keeper for Life. Do you know of one ?

Just wondering, with this audio merry-go-round of buying and selling, if anyone has an amp that will be a keeper for life. I haven't yet but came verrrry close once...
Quad 34/306's are often a `keeper', the vast majority of these amps stay with their owners for their lifetime, with only a small percentage finding their way onto the s/h market where they can command a good price if in good condition. I like the slightly warm sound and the ability to power almost any speaker combination. It can really rock, or be consumately classical. It's styling is so discreet and refined while maintaining it's unique individuality, you don't need to read it's can see it's a QUAD! I've owned mine for over twenty years and am still enjoying owning what I think is the RR of HiFi and it's an all English product too.
I'm awfully happy with my Classe 15, and will never replace it unless it dies. Very strong, but also a bit on the warm side (which I prefer).
I have heard most of the amplifiers listed here and enjoy the sound of many of them. I have recently had the pleasure of dealing with Tom Tutay. His signature product is the remanufacture of the Altec model 1570 high power 811b tube mono amplifier. I have a pair in my system now and can not imagine putting anything else in my system to replace them. These things are built like tanks and produce a sound in my system that I have long sought. I have owned ARC amplifiers and preamps, orginal Marantz (7c and its companions) Krell and other well known equipment. Just glad I have them.