Amplifier Transformer Hum

If you narrow the hum down to the amplifier's transformer, try to determine which circuit the amplifier is running off of. Then check the circuit breakers in the service panel.

Chances are that your amps' circuit is on the opposing phase of some or all of your other audio circuits and therefore generating some AC noise thats affecting the transformer.

Have an electrician move all of your audio circuit breakers in the service panel to the same phase of 115 volts.

Just for grins I moved my amp's circuit over to the opposing phase where my other dedicated audio circuits are to see what sonic improvements I may find. No sonic improvements that I could tell but it cured my transformer hum and the transformer has been almost dead silent every since.
Watch out for any electrical device that has a dioded high/low switch. In the low setting the chopped off wave form drives many transformers to hum. My humidifier (in low setting) drove my velodyne sub amp crazy.
What you need is the AH Offset Killer. I got one for my Rotel and now it is dead quiet. If you get one go from the amp to the offset to the wall, it has surge protection, dont use it in conjunction with a power conditioner, as it may limit dynamics.
wish I still had the e mail address, however if you search around audioasylum,you should be able to find it. It really works!