Amplifier Hum

I have a Classe CA-100 that I just purchased and there is a loud hum when I turn on the amp. My previous amp was an Acurus A100, which also had a hum, but not nearly as noticeable. What are some of the root cause of this hum? I assume it is electrical interfernece, but I am not sure from where. Any help is greatly appreciated.
TDSPEP11, I just verified your AMP on the Classe website and it does have the 3rd connector which may be causing the ground loop problem that I refered to above. Again, try disconnecting your cable as a test.
What's hummin'? The amp, or is the hum coming out of the speakers when the amp is on?

If it's the amp itself, check your grounds and try the old process of elimination by removing other stuff on the circuit. Can't really add anything to what's been said already.

If it's through the speakers, (again) definitely try the cable -- especially if you had the same problem with two amps -- as it don't sound like the amp(s) are to blame at all. Ground loop hums off of a coaxial cable line are very common. If you have a cable line running anywhere into the system (or anything even remotely connected to the amp) I'd bet you dollars to doughnuts that's your culprit. If that's indeed the problem, Radio Shak makes an coaxial RFI blocker that's mean to fix just that sort of problem. Bought one, didn't work worth a damn. Useless. Mondial also makes a "magic block" that's supposed to do the trick. It'll cost you $100, though (which, all things considered, is far more cost effective than a $20 Rat Shack paper weight that doesn't work -- or even weigh enough to hold down paper). Finally, as mentioned by Senoir Rudd, there is also the Jensen VRD-1FF -- which worked like a charm for me (and made me very happy). And if it doesn't, they'll give you your $60 back. Best of luck.
Thanks everyone for all of your input. This has helped me nail down the problem. It does appear to be interference from the cable. I will look into the Jensen isolator recommended by Rudd and Mezmo. Thanks again.