Amplifier for the magnepan 3.7i

I know this was just brought up a few weeks ago and i am having the same problem with choosing the correct amp. The room is 18x19 12 foot ceilings in this room. I had it in my mind i was going to go with tubes this time,but the struggle comes if I can get a tube setup that will give my the spls i want in that room. I took some readings of levels i probably will listen at with a standard meter.82-88 normal levels but when i want to kick it up 88-100. I have looked at the rouges cronus magnum integrated but think it might come up short also looked at prima luna integrated hp. I even considered rouges m-180 mono blocks with their pre amp. I am feeling sort of deflated  and looking at solid state amps like magtech and others. If anyone has any suggestions please feel free. I don't want to go over $7000 on separates tube amp setup. the prima luna stuff looks nice and has great reviews but not sure on the power. I even thought about doing a Martin Logan setup the Montis with built in sub

Try a pair of the Carver Cherry 180's or better yet the more expensive Black Beauty's.  I use the BB 305's to drive Magnepan 20.7's in a large room;  the KT 120 based monoblocks will blow you out of the room and they don't break a sweat driving the Maggies.

Here are the amps that I’d love to hear on my 3.7i’s:

Merrill Veritas
Carver Black Beauties
Pass Labs X250.8 or 350.8
ARC Ref 250SE
Aesthetix Atlas Signature or Eclipse monos
Bryston cubed series
Tim I talked to John he is thinking putting the magnepans beside the fireplace is a bad idea ,feeling deflated.