Amplifier for Monitor Audio RX 8 system

Greetings: I own a Monitor Audio Silver RX 8 package (5.2 system with two MA subwoofers); currently I do not have a dedicated processor and use Pioneer Elite VSX 53 as my processor. I have a Parasound Halo A21 powering my fronts however would rather have one 5 channel/ 7 channel amp powering all speakers (for space constraints); at some point I would move to a dedicated processor with balanced outputs so the amp I will have must have balanced connections as well. I am looking at a Parasound Halo Amp (A51) or a Cary Audio 7.125 Amp - in case of the Cary Audio I will bi amp the front speakers as it is less powerful than the A51. In your opinion, what would match best with the MA silver speakers? Do you suggest a different amp? Many thanks for your help in advance.

Sincerely ...
You need to be aware that Monitor Audio ( including your RX8) uses crossovers which are that good that they can give a deep and wide stage like the best highend speakers can. need amps who can give this deep and wide stage. Pioneer is a 2-dimensional brand, this menas there is almost no depth till maximum of 1 metre. This means that the image is projected forward. A 3-dimensional image is the most thrilling part in music but also for surround sound. Amps which can give you a 3 dimensional sound are Onkyo and Primare. There are more, but a lot more expensive. I have sold a lot Monitor Audio in 6 years of time and also a lot Platinum. goodluck!!
Hi Bo1972 - thanks for your comments; what would you recommend as a 5 channel amp between Parasound A51 and cary Audio 7.125? I am not planning to use the Pioneer going forward ..
The Pioneer is 2-dimensional, Parasound as well. You only keep the 3-dimensional image wenn you use both surround amp and poweramp who can give a 3-dimensional image. Cary audio I cannot Judge. Your Pioneer is not that good. Maybe it is better to sell it and buy a better surr. amp first.
How do like the job your A21 is doing on your L/R mains now? If you're happy, you can expect the same level of performance from the A51 - a very fine 5 channel amp indeed.
I currently use a Pioneer Elite VSX 52, similar to your 53, as my pre/pro hooked up to a Parasound 5125 power amp and am extremely pleased with the results. The A51 with its increased wattage and Class A-A/B biasing would be a whole new level of performance. So I personally I would opt for the Parasound A51.

I would not be swayed by claims made by an audio salesman who frequents this forum that Parasound is a 2 Dimensional brand. I have had and heard many amps over 30 years and never seen a specification for dimensionality. Whether an amp produces 2 dimensions, 3 dimensions or even multi-dimensions is nothing more than the subjectivity of the audio salesman. His much coveted 3 dimensions also seems to exists with the brands he sells but not with brands he does not. He will also tell you he knows this from many years of listening which again amounts to nothing more than perception, because that is all it is. Without published specs, how does anyone know the dimensionality of an amp unless they take the word of someone is selling it? The last time I listened to someone who said "Bo Knows", I bought a pair of Nikes.

The A51 is a fine multi channel amp used by some very well known Home Theater Mag reviewers in the their personal systems who use it as a reference amp against other models. These same gentlemen also write for their sister publication, Stereophile.

Regarding using an AVR as a pre/pro, many of us do and I personally like Pioneer Elite products and their proprietary MCACC. It does a good job. So don't be swayed by slams against Pioneer either. To be frank, I don't know why they were even made as you indicated you will get dedicated pre/pro eventually. You initiated the conversation about amplifiers.

Good luck in your decision and happy listening.