Amperex 6922 white labels with counterpoint SA 3

I am considering two Amperex white label6922 tubes for the phono (Matched) and one green label for the Line stage. Has anyone tried these on Counterpoint SA3 gear and was there a problem with noise on these tubes. Mike Elliot mentioned that this may be noisy. Right now I have Electro-Harmonic tubes which came with the unit and the bass and midrange is rather thin unless I boost the bass on my B&K PT3 Mk 2 pre. I am running my CD and phono through the Counterpoint which is hooked through my B&k to boost the bass. Believe it or not this combo sounds very good,. It has given new life to my vinyl collection. I now have the detail and air that the B&K lacks and the soundstage is twice as big. Other gear B&K Ref 4420 Adcom 600 CD Thorens TT with Goldring cartridge and Linn basic plus arm....

Hi - I just bought a pair of NOS/NIB 6922 Amperex for my Metronome CDP replacinf the stock russian 6922 tubes. Differences in sound were not subtle, but neither in a win/loss perspective, each has its own strenghts I´m afraid.

The Amperex are more full-bodied, tonally correct and a tad more dynamic than the russian ones, the later had a little more soundstaging and roundness. Me?, I kept the Amperex in the CDP and enjoying music.

Hope this helps


PS: Just for the record, I paid 110 bucks for the pair here at Audiogon, great service.
Its because your tubes are not for signal amplification. Difference are very big if they are for pre-amp.