Amp to match with Meadowlark Shearwater

Like to know what intergrated amps less than $2K anyone has tried with Meadowlark Shearwater Hot Rods especially for jazz(Oscar Peterson, Bill Evans) female vocals(Diana Krall) and classical piano and violin concertos. I currently am running them with a "mid-fi" receiver and the highs are a bit too bright. Mids and bass are beautiful. My room is 22x12x8 with about 50/50 hardwood floors and area rugs. Thanks.
I have the Meadowlark Shearwaters (HR) connected to a BAT VK60 but have heard them connected to a few of Cary's tubed integrateds and they sounded very nice. Many of these int amps sell for less than 2K used. I also heard them connected to the VAC Avatar and they sounded pretty amazing as well. I've seen a few of the Avatars here on Audiogon for about $2,300 (w/o remote) which is about three hundred more than you're looking to pay. Good luck.
I would reccomend the Sim I-5, and I can recomend a dealer who will give you an excellent deal.
You don't need a lot of power for that kind of music. I would look at single-ended triodes, which these speakers love. The Cary SET integrateds 300 SEI, can be had for around 2,000 used. Cary has a new integrated which retails for 2795, but would go for less at a good dealer. Call Kevin at Upscale Audio. I really like the Carys (that's what I own) with these speakers.
All of the above mentioned will suffice, however, may I suggest a McCormack DNA 0.5 Deluxe/Tube Pre-amp combination. Very musical. As far as integrated amps go, both the Sim Moon and Classe' Cap-100 would be excellent choices. Regards,
While we're all throwing in $.02, I auditioned the Shearwaters at one dealer on Cary, CJ and VAC (dealer wouldn't deign to play them with anything other than tubes--which was not all that impressive as a selling scheme in my book, but what the hey) and at another dealer on a top-of the line Levinson setup. Right off the bat, I'll say that I preferred the Shearwaters on the VAC Avatar over $40k plus worth of Levinson gear. Beyond that, I'm not sure I can be of much use, as the CJ and Cary stuff I listened to was way beyond my price range and, from your description, yours as well. The VAC Avatar was pretty swell though, so I can only echo the encouragment of those above in suggesting you give it a try. Try as many tube combos as you can stomach, from my limited experience, the Medowlarks thrive on tubes. (I ended up with Thiel, Bryston, and VTL -- so that's what my opinion is worth in the end...oh well). Enjoy.