Amp for the new Watt Puppy speakers

Haven’t seen much info on these speakers since they came out. Upgraded my Yvette’s with the new Watt Puppy’s. Currently using a McIntosh MA12000 and looking for recommendations on new power. Would like to go separates but not sure if I should go mono blocks or stereo. Going to try D’agostino. What else? Open on budget. 

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I visited WA a few months ago and they had them playing with D'Agostino and were amazing.  I am an Audio Research fan so would also think they would work well.  

What color were your Yvettes....I have been thinking about getting some.  I am guessing you traded them so your dealer has them for sale??  

What is DAG. Dan Agostino amp? Dan Agostino amp works well with Wilson speakers.

Thank you. Yes! Delivery is today!! I’ll add some photos in my profile once everything is set up!! My WPs i custom ordered in classic orange. My Yvette’s were silver so I needed something exciting this time. I went with the D agostino momentum HD pre amp and the Progression S350 stereo amp. As well as cable upgrades from transparent.