Amp for Nautilus 801

Any nautilus owner out there help me selecting an amp for my Nautilus 801!
The options I ve got are:
Mark Levinson No. 333
Krell MDA 300
Conrad Johnson Premier 12
Bryston 7B.
My music preference is Jazz and classical,occassionally pop.For pre amp I am using Casablanca II.Any suggestion will be of great help.
Dear All,
Thanks for the very detailed responses.After reviewing all the replies I come conclusion of deleting both the extremes CJ and Krell and arrange an audition for the mark levinson and bryston.Cjs premier 12s are very good amps I enjoyed them for 5 years in my previous system with Martin Logan CLS which was bit shy on both extremes.Since I want to move one step ahead and design a system with mids like CLS and good extension on both sides of the spectrum in a 20'x19' room. I will short list my audition to only two amps and get back with my findings.It was very surprising that no body reccomend Krell, any comment!
Kind regards from the other side of the world (Pakistan)

I would recommend the Krell but not the MDA 300s. I would prefer two FPB 600s on the B&W. It would be magic above & beyond. I know that the B&W shine w. vertical biamping which is a much less expensive alternative then buying 4 monoblocks. Your choice was for Levinson 333, not my favorite sound but if you run 2 of them it would be best. Better would be two FPB 600s in my opinion. I have owned the 801 so I hope this clears things for you. The 801s love power & can play loud. Big difference from the Martin Logan designs. You will enjoy them. Very few speakers can do what they do at thier price. You will need to spend about $40K to get the ability to play loud w. out strain from most other speaker brands.
I also highly recommend Krell Amplifiers. I've heard the N801s powered by the FBP-300cx and FPB-400cx and both Amplifiers easily powered these Speakers to realistic levels in a fairly large auditioning room. You simply may not need to go beyond either one of these Amplifiers and both can be had here on Audiogon less than $6K (US).
Hi Ali

I own a Nautilus 801 myself and use a ML 23.5 amp (2*200W). Although the 801 would gain dynamic with more power (especially the bass) I don't feel uncomfortable in my relatively small room (4m*6m). Heights and mids are highly musical and the bass is not really a problem since I put the speaker on spikes (what I strongly recommend!!).

My B&W dealer recommends the 2*200W Classé Audio 2200 with the 802D and the 800D. Of course you don't get the last whamm with these, but it's all a question of taste.

I have a good feeling for the 2*300W ML 333. Try it!


So I have a good feeling for the 300W ML 333. Try that.
Hi Alphorn,
Thanks for the response,I tried them with single 333 and the result was good.2nd ML 333 will be included in the long term plan.I am also exploring the option to auditioning Bryston 7B ST since I heared good things about 801 with 7BST and they are available.How long you are using N801s& what system do you have.
Any cables suggestions.