Amp. for Dynaudio C-2

Has anyone any advice for amp. to match Dynaudio C-2? I am considering:
Mark Levison No. 436;
SimAudio W-6 or W-10;
Musical Fidelity KW750...

anyone ever tried these combo? Or any other amp. to recommend? Welcome any opinions and recommendations.
I listen to mostly vocals and classic, but do listen to pop and rock casually.


Thanks for your input. Do you have a Simaudio pre-amp to go with the W-10? I read many positive reviews for SimAudio+Dyna combo, what is your take on their strengths?
I have some experience with MF, and Mark, but Simaudio is just new to me...


You "had" No. 432 with the C2... what do you have now?
Can you elaborate a little more on how "it sounded great"?

I am looking for a little more refine in the high and mid, and tighter bass... I tried different cables and accessories, but the difference is not that much. Thanks for your response.