Amp for Dynaudio 1.3 SE

New on this site...

What solid state amp could you recommend for my new Dynaudio 1.3 SE?
As per archive of this forum, Seems that Plinius and Sim Audio match well? What about Musical fidelity 3.2, Krell 400 xi,Arcam A85, Denon, NAD...?

Thank you in advance
I heard the NAD S200 amp on the Dynaudio 1.3. This was an awesome sounding combo.
A french review made great comments while using the Nova plus the I-3 on the 1.3 SE. The gave the Diapason d'Or to this combo. No doubt the I-5 would work well.
thank you for yours comments and advises. I compared musical fideilty integrated 3.2, moon i-5080 and creek (I do not remember the reference but roughly the same price as MF). I chose moon i-5080, in despite the fact that it is 80wpc @ 8 ohm only (it would be around 100 wpc for 1.3 SE @6 ohm). dynamic and fast, neutral (not the case for creek), with a very, very extended bas (not the case for MF) and really impressive stereo image. it is true that with some more power it would be better, but i-3 model was not available (i-5 is out of budget...). as the i-5080 model becomes "old", I have got a huge discount - final price was 900 USD... now, I can go for better cables.