Amp for B&W Sig 805

I'm looking for ideas on a solid state amp for my B&W Sig 805 speakers. I've had Classe Cap101 (100/ch integrated) and now a Krell 400xi (200w/ch integrated). I liked the Krell better than the Classe because of the additional power and better low-end control. I'm considering an amp (100 or 200 w/ch ??). I don't consider myself a tube amp guy but potentially I'd be looking for tube Pre. I currently use a Cary 303/200 as a CD player with copper wire everywhere.

Thanks, Al
I have an Audio Research 100.2 and the LS 16 and they sound great with the 805's I do not know if they still make the 100.2 but it sounds great. I would highly recommend it. B & W's seem to like solid state.

rumor is ARC had to stop making the 100.2 because customers would buy it over the more expensive tube amps!

Used ones have actually gone up in value over the last several years. This is one of the true gems and rare "investments" in audio.

I was up until 2:00am this morning enjoying mine . . .

Good stuff!
What don't you like about the Krell? I recently heard this Amp. driving a pair of 802Diamonds and it sounded great. You might be better investing in a pair of full-range Speakers. To better the 400xi is not going to be cheap...this Amp's sonics are well beyond its modest price.
The Krell 400xi was and is one of the best values in solid state integrated amps with 200w/ch. The 400xi has better bass definition than my current amp.

After much auditioning I decided on the Conrad Johnson 2500a (250w/ch) with a Manley tube preamp. The CJ amp & Manley preamp just sound so much better.

OK, so the Telefunken NOS tubes I put in the preamp helped. I feel that I have a little better resolution and detail with just enough tube smoothness.