AMP for 804 Nautilus

I am looking for a new amp currently have BK 7250 and Ref 30 looking for upgrade to drive the nautilus 804. What is a good amp outhere to take full capacity of the B&W I was thinking about Bryston, Classe, and Conrad Johnson. Also anybody have Classe 201 with Ref 30 B&K. Any suggestion thanks.
Psjulian, I am using Rotel RCD991 I bought about 3 months ago and love it I compared with Classe and Krell and for the money it is very good buy.
Let's keep it simple...

The logical upgrade from the B&K 7250 is the Bryston: perhaps two of the new 6B-STs (3x250); with these, you can provide exceptional power to the fronts (2 mains & Center) and the rear 3: this also provides the opportunity to put the rear-speaker amp closer to the speakers: a longer digital cable, shorter analog cable. This arrangement provides much more power to the speakers.
I really like the Bryston and audition it right now but afraid it might be too bright for the B&W speaker I think they are the best amp for the price.