All Value System Under 5K

I just put together what I think is a very musical system for under $5K:

Newform Research R645 Speakers ($2265)
Odyssey Stratos Amp ($1100 with capacitance upgrade)
Morrison Elad PreAmp ($780)
Njoe Tjob 4000 CD Player ($690 with Njoe Shoes and upgraded Siemen tubes)

It is also interesting to note that all of my components were puchased direct over the net rather than through a dealer. (Cut out the middleman, baby!)

I think it is easy to get a great system with unlimited $'s. I think it is more difficult to maximize your sound investment. What other recommendations do we have out there for good sub $5K systems (don't need to include cables/IC's)?
Magneplanar MMG ($500, new)
Resolution Audio CD50 ($1800 or less, used)
Rogue 88 ($950, new, dealer discounted)
Harmonic Technology Pro-9 ($450, used)
AudioTruth Emerald x3 ($200, used)

The total is only $2600 (BARELY HALF OF YOUR GOAL)...I believe this system represents the absolute best value none. You could buy a PS 300 or 600 with the rest, along with some good power cords, and even lots of CD's...If you must have SACD, you could find a used Sony 777 for less than the used CD50, and buy Rogue's integrated instead of the 88 (for volume control). You could even add a subwoofer and some room treatment later, and the system would just kill most everything!

You can run the cd 50 directly to your amp and forget the preamp altogether.There, now you're back at $3000. Kale

I am a happy owner of a Morrison ELAD also! Here's my sub-5K system:

Adcom GCD 750 ($1400 new, bought it for $700)
Morrison ELAD ($790)
Audiosource Amp 2 - bridged($500)
NHT VT1.2 ($1150 new, paid $750)
MIT T2 IC/Speaker cables ($370, courtesy of Audio Advisor)
audio rack - $250 (forgot the name...)
total: $3360

Happy Listening!