All New Joseph Audio Profile Loudspeakers // The Affordable Reference !

A new Reference speaker at a more affordable price $7K !

Not connected with Joseph Audio in any way

From the JA website - Listening window response: within 2dB from 39 Hz to 20 kHz.

Not to be offensive but how can a speaker be considered reference if it cannot get below 30HZ!?


I like Joseph audio but they're nowhere near as good as the monitor audio platinum 200 generation 2 or anything in the platinum range. The top end isn't as natural and open sounding with the soft dome tweeter as the AMT tweeter is. And the bass is not as fast and articulate. And the sound stage is not as three-dimensional.

The MA's don't use an AMT tweeter; they use Ribbon tweeters. Not the same.

That said, I love my Martin Logan with AMTs, my MA Golds with ribbons, and every show I went to, I loved the Joseph Audio stuff I heard. My room is likely too small for Profiles (15x24), but Pulsars might be in the cars for me. 

The MA’a now use an AMT tweeter. Oops.

Also, I now have the Profiles (serial number 007). They sound wonderful in my 12x15 room, and sound even better with Dirac room correction (DDRC24)