Aktiv Cards for Ninka

I have a 2250 power amp and the AV 5103 System Controller, together with bi-wired Ninka Sprs -heavy granite stands. What are the requirements for Activ cards and how would these improve the sound? Speaker cable (8ft.pair) is LK400. Musical taste - primarily classical and occasional jazz. Speakers are positioned either side of a 34" TV, about 12" from the rear wall and approx 36" on the sides. Can the position be changed to advantage ? Thanks anyone.

I have a pair of Linn Ninka's and want to take them aktiv. Does anyone know where I can buy these on-line? Used?

Scott, I'm not clear from your post what it is that you want to buy (Aktiv cards for your Ninkas?). Whatever it is, the best used market is right here on Audiogon.

My post of 7/24/06 refers. I should have indicated that this was a response from Linn re my enquiry about mixing amps. You may recall the questions we had about this (7/15/06) and especially the differences between balanced and unbalanced connects. This clarified it for me. So thanks for suggesting Linn - they responded very quickly.