AIR TIGHT PC-7 with Shindo preamp.

Has anyone put an ear or two to the above combination. I'm hoping it will be a good combo with my Homage T2 step up. The PC 7 does not not have the low internal impedance like the other Air Tight carts. It's 7 ohm. The EMT carts are in the 24 ohm range. The Homage T2 step up is of course, tailored to the EMT. 
I mentioned to fjn04 that I’ve had the Shindo/T2/TSD15 combo in the past and now have Thoress/PC7. There was some time in between and the systems overall are different although similar. So, hard to make any direct comparisons. However, I feel confident saying the PC7 is at the next level compared to the TSD15. I moved from a $5k and a $6k cartridge to the PC7 and with all things considered I prefer the PC7 overall. I found it loaded at 500 ohm is best in my system with choices of 50, 100, 500, 1000. The big question will indeed be if the T2 SUT is getting the best out of the PC7. The Thoress is an active gain stage. I believe recommended loading values generally differ for cartridges when it comes to active vs passive?
Thanks Vortrex... I have heard that when using an A23 Step Up in to a Shindo preamp, that the cartridge sees a 300 Ohm load. I have no way to confirm this, but it looks like I may be in pretty good shape for the PC-7. 
I cannot wait to hear your impressions as I am interested in the same cartridge. I have heard the pc1 and I loved it. I am thinking of moving from my SPU.
The PC-7 cartridge is amazing. I've had mine for a years now and wouldn't have bought anything else in the the sub $5k market. Any other impressions from anyone? P.S. I was disappointed to see Air Tight just discontinued the PC-7.
When I bought mine the dealer said the PC-7 is a loss leader for Air Tight.