Aidas Cartridge

Aidas                           PanzerholzAidas                           Purpleheart diamond
Aidas                           Purpleheart

Aidas                           Purpleheart ruby          

Aidas                           Red Heart Indian  

Aidas                           Red Heart Gabon  

Does anyone know anything about these.  They are supposed to be GREAT Value.  I find no reviews and no web site.
    Post removed 
    • Announcement from Aidas Cartridges:

    Regarding customers of Aidas Cartridges that purchased a cartridge prior to 2020 and now need repairs or service, they must visit the official Lithuania factory website  and find an authorized dealer. Announcement here.

    This is, I am told, in response to reports of cartridge owners having trouble when using prior distribution network agents to properly facilitate repair services.


    I need your help regarding a problem with Victor Simakov from AIDAS Audio. I sent him more than 6 months my Mammoth gold II for repair.(a broken cantilever) I tried to call him many times and sent to him a dozens of emails, SMS but no response. Maybe you know anything about him and his company? MY CARTRIDGE NUMBER 18-186. Best Doron

    I have a Denon 103R with a Midas head shell and Soundsmith Sapphire cantilever.  The Mammoth Gold I have on demo is head and shoulder above the Denon.  No comparison.  Much more clean, smooth, accurate, balanced and full.  Its much better all around.  It also puts my Hana ML to shame.  This is a much more expensive cartridge than either of the others I have.  I am seriously thinking of keeping it.  It has transformed my phono setup.

    Current Euro - Dollar parity is allowing Aidas prices to drop for USA buyers by 10% at the moment  fyi :)

