AH Njoe Tjoeb 4000 or Consonance cd120 ??

I would like to upgrade my CDP. I'm using a Primaluna Pro Two integraded amp, and thought that the Njoe Tjoeb 4000 player would be a great match. I've also heard great things
about the Consonance product as well. I know the NT 4000 is
basically a Marantz, and that both are Chinese made.
One thing bothers me alittle. The NT 4000 looks so middle
of the road, like it came from Best Buys or Circuit City.
The Consonance looks more high end, very simple all metal
construction with a clean faceplate.
Has anyone compared or listened to both of these units?
Any thoughts would be appreciated.
FYI the Njoe Tjoeb is made in Holland (base players is Asia...but all others are too)and the upsampler is made in Switzerland.

The case (box) is basic but the Tjoeb has some of the best engineerimg and build you can get. The work is done in an ISO9001 certified facility. The Upsampler is made by the same people that do the upsampling build/design for the most expensive brands on earth.

Resale on the Tjoeb (and your PrimaLuna) are un-touchable. A standard Njoe Tjoeb...stock with no upgrades, and four years old, original tubes, just went at auction for $605 on E-bay with 11 bids. We sell them new for $699.
I'm love my AH! Supertjoeb 4000 with NOS Tungsram 6922s. You don't see many used ones on the market, because they're "keepers." When you find them used, you see that they retain their value.
i cannot make up my mind between the xindak muse 1.0 or the consonance cd120.The reviews of the cd 120 are great,my problem is that the dealer tells me the build of the xindak is better.Help.
I've had an AH! Njoe for a couple years and could not be happier.
It's the only part of my system that's not new.
I thought the AH! upsampler was engineered in Switzerland but manufactured in Asia.