After Audio Physic Vigo II's

Where did you go after Audio Physic Virgo II’s? I first listened to AP Virgo’s over at Immedia Sound in Berkeley. It got me hooked again on the music. In the last 10 years I have gone through all the stuff, trading components in and out to arrive at where I am today. The only piece not swapped has been the Virgo’s. Those of you who have had Virgo’s, especially before the change, what did you get? Knowing that every speaker has a sound or style if you will, what was the next step to get you to the next level?

The rest of the configuration. Michell Gyro SE, Brit audio arm and Dynavector 20xH. Highly modified Phillips CDP. Feeding a Reflection Pre (Steve Balliet design and construction), Canary CA 160 monos. IC’s and power cords are Coincident. Speaker cable is Polk Cobra.
Hi Glide3, could you explain the big differences between the Virgo's and the Avanti III.
Bob- It turned out that my living room had the space to be off the back wall. It sounds great with room behind it. I also have the black ash model, which does not initially look as great as the contrasting woods, but makes it much easier to live with.
I owned AP Virgo II's for a few years, driving them initially with a Mark Levinson 383 integrated, and later moving to a Blue Circle hybrid seperates setup (BC3 + BC28). I had just become a dealer and was looking for a speaker lineup, and after demoing a number of speakers, I was referred to Focus Audio by the folks at Blue Circle. Focus provided me with a demo of the Focus FS788 speakers...and a couple of days later, I sold my Virgo II's and became a Focus dealer. While I found the Virgo II's to still be unparallelled in their ability to image, the FS788 had similar "disappearing" qualities, midrange beauty, and ability to present delicate acoustic/harmonic tones well. But I found the FS788 to produce an overall fuller sound that handled a wider range of music better than the Virgo II's.