Advise requested on cleaning the laser in a CDP

I have a NAD S500 CDP which is now about 3 years old. I have used a dry cleaning CD a few times but I always wonder how effective these are ? I was about to take the top off the CDP and see if the laser can be cleaned manualy. Is there any potential problems I should be aware of ? Will I actually be able to get to the laser in the CD transport ?
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Elizabeth is right. Keep your grubby hands off the laser. The laser is on something like an arm which is servo-controlled and very delicate. Also the laser shines through a miniature lens system that is continuously adjusted to maintain focus on the spinning disc. It's a wonder that it works when new. If the player reads the disc at all, but skips, the problem is most likely in the arm control or focus servos.
I suppose having come through the age when we used to have to clean heads on tape decks manually (for best results), stylises on turntables, electrical connections (still required) etc. I couldn't resist having a go at the laser on the CDP (even if there is no physical contact for the laser). So last night off came the top cover on the CDP. The laser is still not that easy to get to as there is a metal strip that is part of the cd drive that runs straight over the top of the laser. Hower there are some slots in the metal stip that allow you to use a Q tip (I think thats what other countries call cotten buds) to clean the laser. I used some Kodak cleaning fluid I had for cleaning CD's on the Q tip. Then used a strip of dry,lint free cloth over the top of a dry Q tip to finish it off. I must say you need to be very gentel when you are cleaning the laser. I am not sure how the laser is attached but it actully rocks slightly as you clean it.(I saw on another post that the laser was mounted in rubber)
Any way how did it work ? GREAT The CDP worked straight away with no problems and I believe it sounds better. Better high frequency response and detail. Some people will just say that because you worked on it you will think it sounds better. But I really do believe it has made a slight but noticable improvement.
Cleaning the laser by hand is not something I will be doing often but I reckon I will probably put it on my list to do once a year.
Thanks to all who repied to my original request for advice.