Advice sought on Lowthers.

For those of you that don't know Lowthers are single driver high sensitivity dynamic speakers. Anyone used them, owned them, heard them before?? what did you think? Do they stack up? Fo rthose of you who own them what amp do you use? Thanks for your help.
When I mentioned the Lowthers to the engineer of my current loudspeakers his response, based on hearing them was,"didn't like'em, too much intermodulation distortion." This was all back about 2-1/2 years ago when I was shopping for the last system I would buy and I was pretty much polarized in my choices 1. go SET/horn or 2. modern high-power SS/conventinal multidriver electrodynamic transducer. There was even a hobbyist/dealer who carried the lowther only 2 to 3 hours from where I lived and I was going to audition. However, in the end I went with the latter system and have no regrets. The horn/set is different/pretty/funky, but I couldn't imagine it sounding better than what I have now. The dealer who carried them's url was something like http://fastrans.lowther... I don't know the rest. They were just outside ST. Loius and sold them in bass reflex designs.
horns have always intrigued me, since i heard the jadis eurythmie's at the '96 s'phile show in nyc, & more recently, the original wersion of the avantgarde duo's. i'm not yet ready to give up on my conwentional set-up, tho, 'til i get to try the newform research ribbons! ;~)

that said, i'd start here, and look at the oris 150, the oris 200, & the hedlund horn. also, i'd consider the aer drivers instead of the lowthers.

hope this helps, doug s.

thank you for the detailed responses. I have been looking into other high efficiency designs. I am most interested in getting the Moth audio 2ia3 amp and picking speakers to go with it. The Moth only has 3 watts per channel so speaker selection will be influenced heavily by power requirements.
senorkennessey, 3w will be more than enuff for the hedlund & oris horns, but are ya sure that's what ya want? yust tink of the ease of presentation if ya went w/a 5w-8w muscle amp! ;~)

doug s.

argh, yeah but the moth audio si2a3 is so beautiful! It' sso easy to get carried away with the whole wattage thing. The most I will go for is 10 watts. Maybe 15 if the amp is just downright astounding.