Advice on Setting Up A Laptop-Based Audio System?

Hey, I'm looking to set up a workspace audio system based around my Apple Powerbook G4. I've got about 100 GB of uncompressed audio on an external hard drive. I currently have Monsoon planar speakers and matching subwoofer hooked into the laptop through the 1/8" audio out, which soundsokay, but I think I could do better.

I don't have a PC card slot in the Powerbook, so I'm limited to a USB audio connection. I'm not looking to hook this system up to my "big rig" -- it's just for my workspace. I was looking to bypass getting an amplifier, unless it's fairly small.

I was thinking of going with some powered mini-monitors and maybe some kind of adapter/DAC in between, but I'm space-constrained and not looking to spend more than say, $600 total.

Any suggestions?
There was another guy that did a similar thing with good results using Mackie HR824 powered monitors. Do an archive search for the Mackies and you'll find it. I think it was
within the last month.
Let us hear how your project turns out?
Happy Listening!
I've been looking around a bit...and I've read some good things about the Tivoli Model 2 stereo systems...or possibly a system like Cambridge Soundworks Megaworks 213...

I haven't read up on the Mackies, but I will.
Assuming you already have an Airport card in your Pbook, I'd invest in the new Airport Express, which has a pretty good DAC inside it, by all accounts.
How about a Griffin Powerwave? It takes USB from your Powerbook (which is better than spdif anyway) to a built in dac (I really don't know about the quality of the dac itself) and sends it to a built in tripath amp...$90 which gives you a lotof $$ for speakers. People are buying the Powerwave just for the amp (and modding it also).
BTW, have you tried Apple lossless? It really seems to work..I'm building a digital system around a G4 iBook, external 2.5" drive and a Twin Dac (via USB)... all battery powered, fillterless, without jitter.