Add a subwoofer to Von Schweikert 4Srs?

I'm currently using VS 4Srs after upgrading from 4 Jrs late last year. They are (finally) getting broken in and really singing. No complaints except I'm longing for a little more low end. I'll admit it...I'm a bassaholic but I don't like that home-theatre-low-rumble without a cause sound. Never owned a sub. Any recommendations (besides seeing a therapist)? The best woofer I have heard to date and would proud to have in my system was a Talon I herad at last October's RMAF. My appreciation in advance.
Yes if you stuff the port you will give Albert Von Schweikert a heart attack! Just kidding. But the speaker is not designed to have the port stuffed only the cabinet. You can also take some of the Dacron out from behind the drivers by unscrewing the drivers. With the Spectron and a little less Dacron the VR4sr should be able to cause an earthquake.

Blessings, Bob
Aside from adjusting the innards for more bass (Albert can offer excellent advice there, instead of guessing), what I found is that just by moving my speakers a little closer to the back wall/corners, I picked up all the bass I need or could ever want. I found that as my VR-7's have continued to break in, the bass has also improved.
I own Senior Mark II. Bass was not so great when they where first hooked up. I had them in a large room with hardwood floors with conventional wood framing. However they improved greatly with breakin and I then purchased a pair of Sound Anchor bases which really changed them tremendously. Know they shake the room. Depending on the room placement and more importantly your floor construction the base can be seriously compromised.
Mancuso: I know what you mean about break-in time with Von Schweikerts...can't be stressed enough. Sounds like your floor construction is similar to mine. I'm going to guess your Sound Anchor bases (versus my outriggers NOT coupled to the floor) are a better tweak to enhance bass performance. In recent weeks I have been experimenting with monitor speakers (Sonus Faber Concertos and Usher BE 718s) with the addition of a REL Storm III sub. The monitor/sub combo has great coverage from top to bottom. When I run the sub with the Seniors, it adds a little less than half an octave of depth...a very satisfying arrangement. Regardless of what I do with the monitors, the Storm sub will be staying.
I added a Velodyne DD-15 sub to my VR-7's 2 wks ago and this weekend during RMAF Albert was kind enough to come over and dial in both the speakers and the sub to my room. Its a sonically difficult room and Albert was able to make those 7's sing!! I was amazed at how quickly he overcame several room anomalies, as well as how great my system now sounds. Albert's skill and knowledge are very impressive, plus he's a nice guy as well.