Adcom GFA 555 versus Rotel RMB 1095for stereo

I own both the above amps. Would I be better served to use the 2 channel Adcom for stereo , or the 5 channel Rotel ?.

Thanks everyone for you responses. I did take the advise of getting a young guy to help me with the setup. I ended up keeping my default setup which included the Rotel Rmb 1095 for movies, and the Oppo BD 95 using the dedicated unbalanced 2 channel outs for the right and left input of the 7.1 analog . While I was about it I connected a pair of XLRs from the dedicated outs from the Oppo and connected to the CD input on the Marantz AV 7005. I did this to be able to choose the Audyessy setup for comparison . It sounds good both ways to me . I did try the 2 channel Adcom with its 200 watts per, I found it to be as good as the Rotel but certainly not better . The fact that I lean towards 2 channel leads me to believe that I should get a better 2 channel only amp .
Crowy how far are you from Roanoke, VA?
I am selling a couple and shipping is cheap.
Wanna maybe try a couple just for giggles?
Maybe next year then. That distance would be a bit high.
We plan on making a move to a more politically in synch region.
(The Bible belt is becoming more and more toxic with me daily.)
Best of luck!