Acoustic Zen Adiago vs. ATC SCM40

Any thoughts on these speakers? Neither are sold in my town and I am desperate for input. Adiago are glowing reviewed everywhere and the ATC are well regarded as well. I have a smallish listening room (12x15) with tube pre-amp/amp. Listen to all kinds of music. Also considering the Harbeth SHL5 but they considerably more money and they would have to be twice as good to buy.
Just my personal opinion and experience, the zen, scm40 and shl5 are too big for your room.
Since you are using tube amps, if they are less than 100w, the scm40 is out of the pix. these speakers need a lot of s/s power.
for your room, its probably better you go with the harbeth c7es3 or the P3esrs.
if you go to the atc route which are also very good speakers, the scm11 would be a better choice but you'd probably have to upgrade your amps.
good luck.
It is possible that many people who post here (or any other forum for that matter) may not have English as their primary language. Also many posts, including mine, are undertaken whilst simultaneously attending to other tasks. Hence the occasional mistakes in spelling or even momentarily substituting one similar word for another. To most readers, this is common sense. But to make this apparent in a post, where you are not adding to the overall intended purpose of the post, is more of an egregious "sin" than a simple error. It amounts to outright douchbaggery.
where you are not adding to the overall intended purpose of the post,
Lplayer (Answers)

Lplayer, since you want to point fingers, with your post, you are also guilty of not adding to the overall intended purpose of this thread... Does that make you guilty of "douchbaggery?" And since you are new here at the Gon and may not know it, no one has set you up as a moderator or moral authority on what is posted here.
Anybody heard the Spendor A6 or the PMC Ob1i? I am adding those to the Adiagos for consideration.

P.S. How is my grammer/spelling?