Acoustic Zen Adagio owners/re: amplification

Acoustic Zen Adagio owners....what are you using/or what you liked to power these speakers?
The jist of the responses to date, is that the Adagios pretty much match with everything. SET's to big SS powehouses
I experimented with toe-in and found that no toe-in provided a smoother sound. I also have them about 5 feet from the rear wall and 3 feet from the sides. The Adagios are driven by an ARC VT200MKII.
I'm using Almarro 318B 18 watt SETs with mine. The dynamics and drive are suprisingly even better than the Hypex UCD400 dual mono amps I was using previously. While tube amps traditionally have plummy bass, the bass definition on my setup is very good after some room treatment to reduce bass standing waves.

I find that toeing in improves palpability and the density of the sound, but tends to accentuate a brighter tonal balance. Toeing the speakers closer to zero degrees tends to reduce the "meatiness" of the sound, and de-emphasize the treble.

i am using a tad 150 tube pre with an electrocompaniet 120 wpc amp. sounds great, big improvement over my totem model1 signatures in my room. i wonder what a decent tube amp will do. i listen to a 50wpc tube integrated (pacific creek 901) at home with single drivers and just love that setup. considering trying a pair of the small maggies in that room too. any thoughts on the mmg with that type of power?