acoustic system resonators

does anyone have any expierence with acoustic resonators?are they worth looking into?
Speaking of psychoacoustics, some friends came to my apartment and saw the resonators.

I now have to sumbit to a long psychiatric evaluation.

If the true cost of the resonator package were revealed, the evaluation would be skipped in favor of of an involuntary stay at a local facility, of course only after they stopped laughing.
"I now have to sumbit to a long psychiatric evaluation.

If the true cost of the resonator package were revealed, the evaluation would be skipped in favor of of an involuntary stay at a local facility, of course only after they stopped laughing." - Emailists

That is hilarious! Yes, I like to tell my friends that I'd probably be better off putting my money into therapy for my audio addiction. But, that would not be nearly as much fun and then I would have to comparison test therapists, determine whether I like them with feedback on or off, and gradually ramp up the input to determine how much they can take before the noise they make begins distorting. I've heard that our brains are a lot more foregiving of therapists with proper room treastments, like leather or persian carpets, which absorb some of their odd harmonics. Jeff
I have been using a set of 2 silvers and one copper resonators since the beginning of the year.

The copper is placed on the wall, centred behind the speakers, 10 cm from the floor. I was battling a boomy midrange in my room, but after installing just this one resonator, the midrange was cleaned up.

One of the silvers is placed around chest level on my TV rack directly above the copper resonator. The effect of the resonator in this position is richer tonality, akin to more wetness and image density. My LCD TV has also acoustically disappeared, with the soundstage seemingly stretching many feet behind the TV.

I placed the last resonator on the front wall in a straight line directly above the other 2 resonators, near the ceiling.

This had the effect of spatially opening up the soundstage, seemingly making my room sound bigger than it is.

This stuff look like voodoo, but performs like magic...
Audiooracle,your 03/16 post begs the question,so please indulge me.That is not the first time I have read a similar statement that without the 'device-x' in place the image collapsed,etcetera.Why would one retain a system indefinitely that apparently lacks redeeming qualities,i.e. image,soundstage,etcetera,waiting for a miracle 'device' to come along and rescue the system,instead of implementing changes in the system?Sincerely,and Cheers.