Acoustat 2+2's help needed please



I have 2+2's that haven't been hooked up for approx 20 years.  When last moved the housing was not secured and the wiring pulled away from the spade lugs.  There is also a pin that I can't for the life of me figure out where it goes.  

Would any of you guys be willing to help me figure out how these get reconnected?  I used/will use an Aragon 2002 amp for them fwiw.




I was an Acoustat dealer for many years and currently run a pair of 2+2’s that have been completely updated/upgraded.

Could you post pics of what you have? It depends on what model of electronic interfaces you have. The pin should plug into the top of the board that has the female hole on it. Could be this broke off, if not there. Pretty easy to see, it’s in the middle of the two thumb screws that the other (2) groups of wires hook to...those are the ones that you say the wires pulled away from. They are actually hooks, not spades.

I also have the manual if needed.

You might what to check out The Acoustat Answer Man. Andy is just GREAT!

LOTS of really good info there!



I took a closer look and the red piece for the pin is there so I am good.  Glasses played a big part in that discovery lol.  

I look forward to getting them back up and running again in the future, I hope to move in the next year or two but not enough room currently to set them up.

Another question, the socks have really suffered as my children grew up around them and you know how that goes.  I was thinking when the time comes to have a seamstress make new ones with fabric I supply.  Can you advise on what/where to choose?

Lastly, the original owner did not like the wood platform and replaced with thin acrylic sheet.  It would always drive me mad as they appeared to tilt forward a little due to the acrylic being so flexible.  I would like to get proper wood back, can you provide the dimensions I would need to have new ones made?  I have searched for the years for any originals platforms being sold but never have seen them come up.

Any chance you live anywhere near N.E. Ohio smiley


Again, thank you very much for responding!!