Accuphase F-25 Active Crossover, any experience?

I am interested in the Accuphase F-25 Active Crossover. Does anyone have experience with this unit? Any input would be appreciated.
I think the F 25 is a wonderful crossover, the only transistorized item in my otherwise tubed front end. I can't comment on the others, although I would think it would be generally the sonic equal of the Pass labs unit. The Pass is more flexible within its two way architecture, but requires stacked units to get it to three or four way, increasing expense and number of chassis. The Accuphase F 25 can be configured from two to four way, choice of three crossover slopes (12,18, and 24db/octave), phase reversal switch and volume control for each band. The F 20 is the same as the F 25, but in two way configuration, and to get three or four way would also require stacking the units.
Also, if you need three way only, the Accuphase F 15L is a wonderful sounding unit, I have one also and can't really tell much difference between the F 25 and the F 15L soundwise, although the F 15 is somewhat less flexible than the F 25 and offers only two slopes (12 and 18).
These analog active crossovers have become somewhat unfashionable with the availability of elaborate and flexible digital units, but I prefer keeping things in the analog domain for my vinyl front end.
Thank you Cjfrbw for the info.

Does anyone know whether the Pass Lab Xover is digital or analog?

Also, does anyone have any experience with the Accuphase digital active x-over DF-35 and DF-45? I am very curious to know how those two compare with the Accuphase analog cross over.
View this thread for some info:
@ Austinacoustic:

There are more people than you think using active crossovers and bypassing the passive ones inside the speakers.

@ Cjfrbw:
I also prefer analog XOs over digital XOs but the latter are getting better and better and can do more than just XO functions. But I still believe the analog ones are more neutral than the digital ones.

Some others analog XOs out there:

First Watt B4 (for normal speakers)
First Watt B5 (open baffle speakers)
Bryston 10B