Accuphase Class A or A/B speaker match Dynaudio C1

I am looking for any help in making a decision on an Accuphase integrated to run my Dynaudio C1's. My concern is the low output of the class A vs. the A/B. Will the class A do the job, in a relatively large room? My listening preference is jazz.

I agree with everything said above especially the lower volume issues with these speakers. In a large room I just don't think a smallish amp is gonna cut it. Their impedance when measured was closer to 83 db. It's not a volume issue, anything will play them loud. .... It's a dynamic and subtlety issue that lower current amps cannot provide.
The Accuphase E450 which has 180w sounds less powerful than the E560 with 30watts Class A.
In a small to medium room, the Class A Accuphase should be able to drive those C1s.
I heard the E550s drive those ATC SCM19s which are more power hungry than the C1s. Drove them to high levels but at extremely hi levels, the E550s could use some more power. But we are talking about real loud loud stuff.
Good luck.
Indeed a strong case has been made for both the Class A and A/B. My impetus for going from the Revel Studio’s to C1’s was down size. I was driving the Revel’s with 350mcx mono’s. That being said, I can attest to the C1’s love affair with power. One would be hard pressed to win the curtain test when comparing these beauties along-side any floor standing 3 way up to 20K. They impressed me. Perhaps, as I read in a post “E-450 E-550”, the best solution is to Demo the set up. My other consideration which I have now placed into the mix is, the E-550 may? Limit the range/scope of future speakers. Just another thought. Thanks for everyones input. Still struggling.
I am driving the C1's with a Jeff Rowland Concentra II, 150w into 8 ohms 250w into 4 ohms. This works fine but is probably the minimum I would find acceptable. I have also heard the C1's driven by Simaudio W7, this was not lacking for power either.
I have found the sound balance to be excellent at low levels with my set up, none of the hissy/tinkly sound you get with metal tweeters
Roy, you should not think at future changes before actually having bought the whole system, viz. "the E-550 may? Limit the range/scope of future speakers". Since you plan to buy top of the line integrated and speakers (it is not clear to me whether you already have the C1s) make sure you are happy with both units as a whole but also separately. The E-550 is very powerful (much more than its 30 watts would suggest) and should have no problem to drive almost all monitors. I have seen this amp driving speakers like Wilson Sophia 2 and B&W 802D without a sweet. Though, if you listen to music that has large dynamic variation, e.g. big bands, than probably E-450 is a better choice whatever the speaker.

If you have already listen and liked the Dynaudio & Accuphase combination then choosing between the E-550 and E-450 integrated should not be difficult. The power meters should give you the answer. If you can not audition both amps in your room (for a few days) take your speakers to the dealer. Get the E-550 if it is not clipping when driving the C1s at levels you consider as being loud, otherwise buy the E-450. Sound-wise the two amps are very similar. Although, the E-550 is more musical and fluid than E-450, you can't possibly be happy with it if it can not deliver the SPL you want.