Absolute Monster SAM Turntable

Has anyone tried the Absolute Monster SAM Turntable?
I´m using Dr. Feickert analogue Woodpecker, and would like to know if Absolute Monster SAM Turntable might be better.
It may be a great turntable. The engineering may be excellent. The design, however... um, de gustibus no disputandum.

In my view however, they should remove about 70% of the doo-dahs, rethink proportions, and stop thinking shiny metal is attractive because it's shiny.

A very 
superficial critique — and without even hearing it to boot — but TTs are also works of art, kinetic sculptures — and I was a professional designer — so I care about the aesthetics, crazy as that may be.
portoalegre...now that you've had some time with your SAM table what are your thoughts/feelings about it??  I also am considering the Reference table, hopefully with two arms, so your feedback would be appreciated...may help other vinyl lovers on here too.                                  Thanks!
hdcls3 ... I'm very very happy with my SAM Gold Reference Monster table! It's a fantastic table, with a very good price! I don't like, however,  their arm, so I'm using two Kuzma 313 arms on this table, and the match is fantastic!