A rocking tube amp & speaker combo?

I am currently running a set of George Wright Mono 10's with a WLA12AL Wright preamp. I love the sound, but on heavier, more layered music, the mids & highs sound harsh through my Klipsch La Scala's. Perhaps no big surprise there. So I'm going to set up two systems: one a SET amp-based system run through the La Scala's, and the other for more driving music (Matthew Sweet to Metallica). I think the Mono 10's could work well if mated with a more appropriate speaker. Maybe a Klipsch Forte? Room aesthetics DO play a role. Don't need room shaking bass, just a clean, tight, driving sound. And no offense, but SS just isn't my cup of tea, in case you might have that in mind. Thank you for the suggestions, on either the amp or the speaker options.
i ran lascals with alk crossovers instead of stock and if big room need more power i went to von schweikert
I am using Wright sound Mono 10s on my "77 Khorns with ALK X-overs and no matter how "complicated" the music there is none of the harshness of SS left. Even with the Moody Blues "A Question Of Balance" at 100 Db.

If your Lascalas are made with K400 horns, have you damped them? If you have type AA networks a nice easy mod is to put a 1mF capacitor across the two 2mF caps. This takes a lot of the energy off the tweeter at Fs (3500Hz)

Go to http://www.alkeng.com/ and take a look at Al K's work with Klipsch X-overs. Go to http://www.klipsch.com and click forum. There is a lot of good information there and many knpledgable posters to help you.
Thank you, Blackwatch26. We actually came up with the perfect solution--bridge two systems through a common preamp & CD player. So now the La Scala's are mated with the Wright 3.5's (love the Mono 10's, by the way), and we are running Quicksilver Mini Mono's through a pair of Soliloquy 6.2's for all of the rocking music. THAT, my wife claims, "Is MY system." We are both quite happy. Thank you for the suggestions.