A perfect song? What are your choices?

Can there be such a thing as a perfect song? I have a suggestion, what are yours? Here is a thought...






Showing 50 responses by serjio

I didn’t find Vladimir Sofronitsky on YouTube - let it be Denis Matsuev .


who truly loved - reacts especially sharply to this film ... the clip is also excellent .


perhaps somewhere there is a dubbed English translation (subtitles here) ... Golden film.


I am a supporter of jazz where there is a melody ... Yamamoto likes this album more than others ...


you need to listen to it with your heart (translation is not needed) ... an episode from an autobiographical film dedicated to Anna Herman (a recording of her voice was used) ... It's true - the musicians began to cry and could not play.


I am very upset by lovers of the song about Waterloo (((

okay ... how do you like this nuance? :

about 30,000 people died in that battle (on both sides) ... But there are no burials! ... But there are numerous documents and testimonies - whole caravans of ships went to Foggy Albion - they carried fertilizers for the soil (bones boiled and ground into flour) ...

I wonder where they got them? )))

I mixed up the song))) ... I don’t listen to such music at all - the consonant name misled ... there was some other one - about the war ...
but this one - I don’t like this one either (especially after I introduced it - the Thames, the bridge, a couple in love, the station, obviously nearby are fields fertilized with human bones))) ..... )

and here (the song is called "wedding with death" - the last hours of a person's life)


this is something opposite of "Bensonhurst blues" ... a dream - a city that does not exist - there they always love, believe and wait for it ... the hearth burns

Truly I tell you - before the grass was greener, the trees were big ... it was more fun to live ... people read books, dreamed, thought ... good company, a beloved girl, a little alcohol and a starry sky on a summer night to the music of the eighties (plus minus) - what could be better?

Today we turn to popular music and even a little to the rock of those years ... (do not remind me of disco - otherwise I will be upset) ...

But let's start even earlier - 1966 ..


Scorpions не совсем 80 е годы , но очень вписывается ... (у них было несколько хитов в то время)

abyss? - it is inside most people ... this is the place where there was a difference between a Human and an animal ... vices broke free and are presented as the norm ... In addition to smartphones, everything has definitely become worse ... education and the general level of culture of the masses, food , clothes , architecture , cars ... No war ? - if you don’t see it, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist ... rich people have turned into super-rich (funds, corporations, pools, banks ...) - the main part of humanity interferes with them and they destroy it ... digitalization has greatly accelerated this process . Only those who can compare can understand this ...


You don’t understand - now the sixth scientific revolution is underway ... the fate of mankind directly depends on whose hands the technologies will be - IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO ALLOW the oligarchs ... otherwise ordinary people will end - they simply do not need the owners of huge money and will be destroyed (some covid or war) ... The only way for the broad masses of people to survive is to unite - only then they are strong. (the oligarchs will do their best to interfere with this - fascism, nationalism, inciting religious conflicts) ... the more fools, the easier it is for the oligarchs to gain the upper hand. Capitalism is synonymous with selfishness - loneliness - this system is completely inappropriate!


Celine Dion (Titanic) will find everything by themselves))) ... keep a couple of songs on the marine theme that you have not heard. 


@cd318 You just smeared it ))) ... a joke from nothing ... everything ingenious is simple!  (54)  ... 

Today we will follow your principle (feast during the plague) ... we will dance))


Are you talking about love..? Love is God.
Carefully ! - satanism (pleasure seeking) - an unadvertised religion of the consumer society ... People often do not know the difference (especially young ones) ... Satan's constant occupation is to convince others that he does not exist ...
If a person was brought up by a wolf pack (Mowgli) - a good comparison with a person from a consumer society - there is almost no chance of moving in the right direction .., there are no examples around, no information, but there is extreme pressure from Satan through other people. It will take a lot to do quite the opposite - to swim against the current ...

In this video, the monk sings in Christ's native language.