2008 RMAF – – – all things analog.

I have two questions/comments on the 2008 RMAF below.

1) First thing…

Who’s Going?

I’m going for my second consecutive year. I enjoyed last year a great deal. I had wonderful discussions with analog types like Thom Mackris, Alvin Lloyd, Jeff Cantalono/Thomas Woschnik, and Frank Schroeder. I had time with my own LPs on all of their tables as well as quite a few others. I’m looking forward to this coming year as well.

If you are going to the 2008 RMAF, I’d like to know so I can meet some of you out in Denver.

2) Second thing…

Any suggested Table, Cartridge, Arms to pay particular attention to?

Again, If you are going to the 2008 RMAF, I’d like to know so I can meet some of you out in Denver.

Lost of responses...


Room 464 is? Are you showing? If so, what is going to be in the room?

Tom (Slowhand),

Hope to actually see you this year. Last year was weird. I still can't believe I didn't see you at all the entire time I was there. At least this year, it's garenteed we will see each other. If not, no more jel pads for you! Yes, it's me. Dre


Maybe this year you won't be surrounded by audiophiles and I won't be so focused on getting to the many rooms filled with analog.

Hi Thom,

I'm happy that you will at least be able to show the controller in the after-hours gathering. I'm looking forward to seeing how it performs on another table/motor combo other than my own.


Yes, I'll be at the Saturday after-hours session. Last year that was one of the highlights on my time in Denver.

Darrell, FrankC, Mike, Doug, Paul, Ralph, Slipknot & co., Hope to see you all there.

Dan, hopefully one of these days we will get to meet. I think you should plan for next year now...

Hello from Tripoint,
I'll be in room 538 at the Marriott. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you. Looking forward to seeing all the rooms.

Tripoint Audio
Miguel Alvarez
Hello from Larry at The Palace,

I will be visiting all the rooms at the RMAF, listening and taking photos like
always. I personally think that every audiophile should make it to Denver for
the RMAF if it's possible. It's a beautiful experience to go to these shows,
it's an opportunity to see and hear lots of components and see many high-end
brands in one place. You also meet many music lovers and audiophiles. The food
is real good too, check out Brooks Steak House guys, you'll remember me;

Take a look at last year RMAF event for those that did not make it, there are
two pages full of photos, it's under the ROCKY MOUNTAIN AUDIO FEST at our

Thank you!

Warm regards,
Larry Diaz
President of High-End Palace
Tel: 786 388-8050
Fax: 786 388-8051
E-mail: larry@highendpalace.com
Website: www.highendpalace.com

Unfortunately, it is not a matter of planning. I can be on a plane tomorrow. But, alas, my wife just can't get enough time off at this time of year to make the trip worth while.

I hope all of you heading out to RMAF have a really great time and raise a few glasses for me. Please be sure to take lots of pictures of all you guys. The heck with the gear, Albert has that covered. :-)