2 channel SACD vs Multichannel SACD players...

Is there a difference between dedicated 2 channel SACD players and multi-channel SACD players? Do they read the information the same? How do multichannel SACD players output into 2 channel? Is 2 channel playback from a dedicated 2 channel SACD superior to a multi-channel, non-dedicated 2 channel player?

Or is this a moot point? Is SACD, SACD, and it all depends on the build quality of the unit?
I find the answer that Eldartford gave very interesting. I had never heard that about a DVDA player having to "mixdown" a multi-channel recording down to two track to properly play back a stereo signal but never really read anywhere that DVDA discs did not have a seperate two channel audio layer either. I am in the market for either seperate SACD & DVDA palyers or one "universal" player. Could you tell us where you got your information so we (at least I) could look into this further. Thanks alot...
Soundhd...The downmix mode of player operation is described in the player owner's manual. I have used Panasonic, Pioneer, and Denon DVD-A players and they all did it. The producer of the disc can lock out this downmix feature by info on the disc, but I have not seen any like that.

Also, I heard somewhere that the gain coefficients for the downmix process are not fixed by the player design, but are provided to the player from the disc.

DVD-A discs do not have more than one layer. On SACD the SACD stereo program is on the same layer as the Multichannel program, but on a different area of the disc. The CD-readable program is on the second layer of a SACD disc.
I'm just a casual reader of this site, but it is obvious "Eld" is an Audio Geek and suffer from "now it all syndrome". I suggest "Eld" get out more...like to a few Star Trek conventions to master his Klingon.
Where did that guy come from. Must be an alien.

Anyway, I just got a Panasonic SA-XR10 receiver (digital multichannel) and it also talks about the downmix feature.