2 ch tube pre match for Sunfire Cinema Grand

Could anyone recommend a tube pre with a budget of about 1500.oo used that would mate well with a Sunfire Cinema Grand. I have Martin Logan sequels. Right now I'm going CDp coax out to Benchmark DAC-1 balanced to amp. No pre yet. I would like the amp to be balanced and have a remote. Doesn't have to be balanced though.
Bat VK-3i.. Check classifieds here under tube preamps.Balanced output for cdp,amp and more.
How about the Modwright SWL 9.0SE? I paired it with a Sunfire Cinema Grand driving Aerius i's (Squeezebox > Benchmark DAC as source), and it sounded sweet. I've since upgraded to a Belles 350A Ref driving ML Summits, but kept the Modwright. The Modwright doesn't have XLR outputs, but DOES have Home Theater bypass, and remote. Alternatively, you might consider the Belles tube Pre (I forget the exact model number).
That's funny you say that. I was looking at the SWL. But when running my cdp into the DAC-1 straight to the Sunfire, balanced xlr's out of the DAC-1 sound much, much better than through the Sunfire's SE inputs. The amp was just sent to Sunfire to make sure it's working right. Did you find a difference in XLR or SE inputs on the Sunfire? And if you could, since you have the DAC-1, descibe in a few words what the SWL adds to the sound compared to running the DAC straight to amp, if you ever did that with the sunfire?