What will you not buy?

No brand names please and choices need not have any particular aesthetic or technical justification. 

For me:

No black ash.

Nothing with more than 4 tubes.

Square or rectangle headphones.

Cables with batteries or box like protrusions.

Gobbly gook word salad descriptions. (It can be bs, but needs to be good bs.)



Any product that uses terms that claim to,  or are related to using quantum physics to describe their product.  I might ask; "so, you have access to a particle accelerator?  Or do you have particle, quantum, or high-energy physicists working for your company?

Geez. Audio is dead on this forum. The keyboard warriors have killed it. You people need to be culled out and blocked. 

I won’t Buy that this place is Better than the much maligned ASR. (Not my favourite either, for much different reasons). Mud slinging, what-aboutism, innuendo, rumours and lies… what a waste. On all sides except those who mentioned Audio.

Do better…


No cables or cords that are not black no matter how good they are, especially speaker cable and power cords.  Also, nothing that eats or rusts.

Well if this were a healthy political exchange we could keep the thread going, but as it stands it is a total waste. Cant believe anyone would be surprised after watching the debate.

At our audiophile magazine, FutureAudiophile.com, we have a hard time supporting people that we have ethical issues with. 

For example: the guy who sells $30,000 speaker cables from Orange County, California who made a youtube.com video of Gene Dela Salla from Audioholics.com is DEAD to me. 

Another popular company know for AV preamps with ties to the Bernie Madoff of our industry (AKA: Mark Schifter) isn't reviewed. 

There are more but YES - there is gear we won't buy OR review. Others think we are crazy in that sound is sound but we feel the hobby is a lot about people and when the people are less that savory - I will pass on doing business with them. NOTE: most audiophile companies are GREAT as are the people. 

Ugly electronics no matter how good they may perform…things with green displays for instants.  

A cd player that does not do gapless playback(which I don't think many do anymore.)😠

painter 24 posted :  "I could never live with a pair of speakers in a black ash finish."


I got a real chuckle out of his post because I once owned a pair of B&W 801 loudspeakers in a gorgeous rosewood finish.  I found that I spent so much time oogling the beauty of the speakers and consequentially ignoring the music that I finally sold them and bought a set in black ash !  My appreciation of the music increased exponentially !   To each his own ----------------.

I will not buy spice girls, jay-z, Beyoncé, Kanye, drake, etc.

i will not buy anything the government tells me!

I will not buy shoes I don’t really like!

US made turntable ~$5k maybe from NJ

quality issues across turntable pivot cueing device and independent speed control 


Does class A really use that much more electricity than say a high powered SS amplifier? Serious question.


Anything made and sold by a foreign country that is a declared enemy, or even suspected enemy of the United States. Doesn't leave much does it?


I will never buy an LP from a 1980 American hair band or an English emo band of the same era. Too many bad memories. 

@terraplane8bob +1 😂

Nice story. I find similar distraction with the colour/finish of my components; I recently discovered I don’t like mixing black box components with silver finishes on my rack. My DAC had a silver chassis; I gradually grew more and more distracted by it. It’s no longer on my rack, and I’m all black again 😄 Phew!

High priced cabling.  The only folks who claim they are better than lamp cord are the ones who sell them or the ones who have bought them.

So reviews are tainted with either $$ motivation or confirmation bias.


If waste heat is any indicator then my Class A Musical Fidelity sure as heck uses way more electricity than my Fosi Audio V3!

Not too sure about that. SCOTUS is compromised. 

The good news is there are many branches of government at all levels and that is there to always help provide checks and balances as needed, no matter who the guy at the top may be

Well $100 vinyl album,over price cables,$1,000 phone cartridge, $500 headphones, $50,000 Speakers or any overpriced audio equipment. 


- Acoustic dots, whatever they are

- Lava Lamps... well maybe lava lamps

We all deserve better candidates than these two clowns.

A couple more...


- Amplifiers that weigh more than 100LBS.  Or so.  Unless they sound amazing


-  Speakers that come in wooden crates.  Hold on, never mind.


Yes class A use more electricity because it is always working at 100%, but the concept of class A is the same whether it’s using tubes or transistors.

Hope this helps.

max sansui… My wife is an audiophile a does not give a rat’s arse what our gear looks like….

I upvote nitrobob "no disco, rap, hip hop, twangy country" and everybody who hates black ash. Plastic black ash Verner is the worst. Also the junk physics of cable risers that are supposed to prevent electrostatic dipole molecules in carpet adding to the signal in speaker cables. The sight of them in high-end audio shows is embarrassing to be around. 

Post removed 

No vinyl

No  record players


No tube power amplifiers

No Streaming services

@noromance that is true. The Supreme Court seems pretty untouchable and Presidents decide who gets that lifetime call so people better get their president picks right for sure. All else will pass much faster than members of the Supreme Court.  

One thing I cannot buy again are records sold as NM, but, in reality are near garbage.

Another would be the gooey blobs that are supposed to "clean" the stylus.

And, +1 for black ash.  Many years ears ago I had a pair of PSB gold in black ash.  They sounded ok, but looking at them,  made me sell them long before their time.

Wow! The liberal political postings sure have stopped since the debate ended. Chuck must be smiling.


Yep. First post. I came here to learn about audio many years ago. Now I have been pulled from my comfort zone since TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) has taken over. I challenge anyone to argue that my first post was not accurate.

This is not the place to do it.

I challenge anyone to argue that my first post was not accurate.

Post removed 

Since the most expensive piece of equipment was $3,000 I'll say nothing more than that Unless I win the Lottery .

Nothing that I can't lift .

No Opera , Heavy Metal , Disco or Rap LPs  

No euro LP's that don't pay royalties .

And probably never a streamer . 



Post removed 

@logic I did!

06-25-2024 at 08:47pm 
- No LEDs under tubes.
- No overpriced anything.
- No remastered recordings where the life is ripped from the analog original and replaced with an initially impressive digital mush.
- No politics in audio threads.

Well futureaudiophile got a plug in. Wonder how they vet "worthy" companies?  

Anyone can tell this is not the place for discussing politics on an adult level. 

Hmmm. Probably power cords or cables. Anything else I'm willing to try. Except for that brass plate/gong looking thingy that you see at audio shows that apparently makes the sound eight dimensional or something like that. Oh, and I will not buy $4,000 record clamp.

@simao Well no power cords or cables.  What do you use for your audio system unless it's either what's in the box it came with or is it a one piece unit like a boom box or speaker/amp/pre-amp stage/DSP/DAC/Streamer?