What will you not buy?

No brand names please and choices need not have any particular aesthetic or technical justification. 

For me:

No black ash.

Nothing with more than 4 tubes.

Square or rectangle headphones.

Cables with batteries or box like protrusions.

Gobbly gook word salad descriptions. (It can be bs, but needs to be good bs.)



While I’m whining, I’ll add this. 

The people I agree with politically and the people I disagree with politically are poorly prepared to defend a point past an emotional argument. The depth of knowledge is not in proportion to the surety, no where near. 

Youtube is full of interviews of worked up people reacting to statements… then to be told their ‘side’ said it… oopsie. 

The winner is whatever or whoever is benefitting from us being divided amongst ourselves. 

Vodka, steaks, universities, hotel rooms, casinos, gilded high-top sneakers, signature bibles, fake charities, condos in buildings named for, or political pitches made by, egomaniacal self-promoting commercial real estate hucksters.

+1 , @hickamore  , keep up the good work.

So you’re not, for instance, anti-racism? How about record companies ripping off artists? Greed? Rape? Murder?

It’s okay, we all occasionally say silly things. 😉


when i thought about what i might not buy....within the hobby, honestly i could not think of anything i dislike. only things i don’t like as much as what i have. and i don’t need to rain on anyone’s parade. and i'm not clever enough to make a good joke about it.

i won’t address your very serious but unfortunate comments. do we really need to go there....here? and you are not the only one. i can have those conversations......but not here. ever.

sorry if i am taking this too seriously. that’s on me.


Fair enough Mike, point taken. You are of course correct.


I attempted to edit my post to include the following, but too late:

Another problem I have with non-planars---and most loudspeakers in general, is that the sound of a vocalist’s mouth is reproduced about 3’ off the floor. Girl, what you doin’ down there? 😉

I especially dislike mini-monitors, the sound of which reminds me of my little sister’s doll house when we were kids. A miniature of an actual house.

I will admit that when I heard a big Wilson model in Brooks Berdan’s room in Monrovia, California (his son Brian now sells the line in his shop---Audio Element---in Pasadena. He sold a pair of the approximately $200,000 model to Henry Rollins!), reproducing a Stevie Ray Vaughan LP, I was impressed. But I’m sure over time I would eventually hear the "seams" in the sound of the music.


Fair enough Mike, point taken. I attempted to edit my post to include the following, but too late:


i expected you might have second thoughts as that was not like you to write that.


1. Turntables without auto stop and auto lift

2. Tube preamps/phono amps without dual-triodes 12au7/12at7/12ax7 and 6dj8/6922/7308 NOS upgrades

3. Power cords as replacements for factory-provided ones

4. Expensive interconnects and speaker cables

5. 78 rpm LPs or SACDs

- No turntables, no vinyl (I’ve got Daniel Hertz Masterclass baby...you’re beneath me, i.e., i look down upon you)

- No tubes

- No Class D

- No more wire that costs more than 1k

- No dacs/streamers/front end over 20k

- No more speaker pairs over 40k

(If you can’t make your sht sound good within budget limits mentioned above, you are either just low IQ or getting a bit too greedy there bro..)

Good night


Post removed 


@asvjerry: I take the 5th. A fifth of whiskey, that is. I drink Johnnie Walker Black if you’re buying.😉 I use it to wash down one sister’s muscle relaxers, the other’s Oxycodone. I used to have a source for Norco, which was fun. Hope the authority’s aren’t reading this.



@asvjerry Settle down, please.  You aren't unique on your side of the fence. The talk of violence seems a constant companion of too many people. It will get out of hand some day. Someone will forget they're not on the internet and run their mouth, like they always do, and find themselves facing a real life version of their trash talk.

 It's unnecessary and out of place on an audio forum. We get it-both sides have people they'd rather not claim. All we can do about that is not be those people. I'm not special, so I can find another thread to haunt if I'd rather not do politics here. And no one would miss me. My goal is to not make people GLAD I left. I don't see the value in alienating half of everybody.

I stopped reading when the political crap started.  That's not why most of us are on here. 

Components over $7000 unless Biden wins and then I will have to up the amount due to massive inflation.... then again it might be possible I wouldn't have $7000 after that.

I do like meters and ribbons and planars.idont like spam oh maybe spam fried with pineapple 

Moderators, shut this one down. Some people just can't control their behavior.


I would say any vocals 3 feet off the floor might be a room issue or in the recording.  I will check when I listen this afternoon where my vocals are at. 

Peace and loving thy neighbor. I think they died a long time ago. 
or I’m just a fatalist and don’t give a F anymore. Might as well just enjoy the theater.

I'm not buying most of the BS I read here.

Oh! This about audio, well then.

Mpingo discs

Tice Clocks

Magic gold foiled bricks




Thanks for speaking up, music to my ears.

@asvjerry  is a solid cat, though.. I think these conversations get to the best of us. 

I won’t buy any speaker over $10K.

Any cables costing more than a car payment.

Any Magnepan or Martin Logan speakers.

Any streamer over $1500.

Any so-called "audiophile" modem or switch.

Any hip-hop albums.

Any concert tickets over $200.

Any eV.

That sending my tax dollars to the U.N. does anything productive for humanity.

re: Black Ash. Correct. I don't see the point. The light ash finish on Monitor Audio speakers makes the case that painting ash black is a sin. 

@bdp24  +1 for the dipoles. Purity and soundstaging beats all, and they aren't as fussy about the room.  No boxes for me ever.  @lordrootman  I love the quality of my scandinavian equipment but find it hard to look at.  All the styling of a Saab.

anything from Boston or Boston Teams

Wedge Heels

Berkenstock Sandals

A soccer ball

a basket ball

a Kia

power chords over $500

Rap Music




No tube equipment. Been there done that.

No cables over $500

No more Turntables or Vinyl

No preamps


couple more:

Pappa John's Pizza

Subway - fast food anything list too long to list

Panera anything - I highlight this because venders come to my office all the time with lunches from Panera and think they are enticing me to sit with them for an hour to learn about their products and services.


Had to laugh at the no cables with battery packs on them 

Couldn't agree more 

@jpwarren58 While I tend to agree with you re: the Black Ash position.. (for my taste they are just a bit dull to look at, and that may be coming from my experience selling gear in the 90’s.) I do have to say that Greg at Volti offers a dyed black veneer that is eye catching at least. Looks deep and luxurious. Still would not be a choice for me. To each his own I guess.

I’ve been thinking about this thread all morning. I’ve bought plenty of audio related gear over the years. Some become permanent essentials like ISO feet, others are in a box and sometimes get played with from time to time.

The one thing I’ll never get over was the green sharpies that were being sold so you could paint the edges of CD’s. Yes I bought and used them, and yes I swore there was a positive difference.

Moderators, shut this one down. Some people just can't control their behavior.

This coming from the guy who posted, "Let's go Brandon" out of the blue on a thread some time ago.

@nonoise he single-handedly started it and brought the conversation to a new low. This is the dumbest thread I have read here, it brought out the evil child of many posters. I really don't need to learn these members' insane political views and hatred, because I will avoid reading their comments or threads they comment on entirely.  

So now that some of you have let us know where you stand politically can we move on? 

Before we move on I just have to say, how can anyone not like pickles or mustard?

I was enjoying this until the politics crept in. I could have joined in on that, but don’t think this is the right place for that.

As for audio gear, I’m open-minded enough that it’s hard for me to be so absolutist as some posts have been (that in itself may suggest where I stand politically). But it is highly unlikely that I would buy some of the things others have mentioned--like gimmicky accessories.

Oh, I thought of one--I will never buy an 8-track tape player or 8-track tapes! How come no one else thought of that one?

Black ash is the walnut vinyl of the present day. If it is going to be all-black, don't paint over cheap veneers.

No more tube devices that overheat. If they get too hot, I am getting rid of them.

No more devices with the power switch on the back.

No more turntables. The one I have will have to do. It's nothing special.

No more vinyl. I let that go in the late 1980s.

No amps that have controls on the same panel as the tubes and transformers.That is poor ergonomics and cheap design. I won't name brands, but some companies seem to think this is a charming way to build gear and then charge large sums and still have crazy long waits for delivery. I have decided that is for someone else.

No SET. I'm not interested in flea watts and I don't want to own or operate an amp with 1Kv plate voltage tubes. Sorry to offend those smitten by 805s, 845s and 211s. I am happy to make my peace with push-pull designs at lower voltages that make enough power to drive a variety of speakers.

No cable risers ever.



Black faceplate components, electric stoves, cheap china amps, Russian mis-information bs, no joke.

Cable risers, ridiculous fuses, cables with batteries and or BS gimmickry targeted towards the old age and gullible. Any product with “0” technical documentation. 
I love this read : You wind up with a feedback loop that doesn’t push the scientific envelope when it comes to what’s possible, but rather rewards eccentricity and anachronistic approaches to achieving audiophile nirvana.