State of California reaching for Sales Tax

I sent a Grimm MU1 streamer back to the netherlands for upgrade in early 2024. I had contacted them with a question. they logged into my streamer remotely. said it looks to have a cable problem and that is was an early model that they would like to upgrade to the latest version at no cost to me if I would just send it back. The MU1 isn’t heavy so I decided to send it back.

choosing a Tariff code wasn’t easy but finally found a code for "returned items" which prevented Grimm from having to pay a large VAT on recieving it. When they sent it back, the US Customs and Border Protection Agency held up the package for a few days, and then I had to pay them about $50 for their trouble to determine that no tariff was due.

I thought that was it.

Just got a letter from the state of california saying that I owe them sales tax for this item they saw coming into the country from the Netherlands. They gave me a reference but I need to "create and account as an importer" and then try to convince them that I do not owe sales tax (use tax).

I haven’t found record of my shipment out of the USA yet but hope I can find someting to convince them this wasn’t a purchase.

Wish me luck,



@devinplombier Is that the best comeback you can think of? The old I'm rubber and you're glue BS? Like I said, stick to audio, dude. 

All the best,


Why is it that when stating facts, I am accused of being political. Anyone with any sense knows that CA is ridiculous with taxes, mandates, and bureaucratic BS. Just ask the car enthusiasts who live in CA what they have to put up with. And this comes from someone who lived there in the 80s. Beautiful place for sure and that's why most people stay. It's surely not because because of anything else.

But you never let an opportunity go by to play your political card.


So true! Him and several other keyboard warrior/trolls that pollute thread after thread. As if anyone cares about their politics. 

I escaped California after 40 years without any tax lability. Never been back.

So true! Him and several other keyboard warrior/trolls that pollute thread after thread. As if anyone cares about their politics. 

Hypocrisy suits you, @charliee .


Using the letter "K" implies a Russian style of government which California is the furthest from that one can think of. Disputing that is easy and you call that being political?

Anyone with any sense knows that California would be the 4th largest economy in the world if it were a nation and not a state. That creates a lot of jealousy. Yes, we have problems but all states have problems. Democracy is messy. There is no reason, other than criminal, why every state can’t be as successful. Some are but due to their size aren’t economic powerhouses, but at least they’re making it on their own.

California pays more in taxes than they get back and they’d like their $83 billion back (that’s just in 2022). Having it go to other states that refuse to support themselves, parasitically living off other states is getting old. It’s about time they tax their own citizens and businesses and stop with their silly welfare dependency. It’s done intentionally and has been a criminal enterprise (in some cases) since the end of the Civil War. In some red states, we taxpayers from other states pay up to 40% of the operating costs of their state government. Why the hell should we?

Imagine running your own sovereign state (as they like to call themselves) on its own. If that were to happen, you wouldn’t have any bragging rights about how low your taxes are.


And there you go again with that oft used and tiresome refrain.

The only thing I’m jealous of about CA is the weather. You can keep all of that other s*%t.

I would comment but everyone knows I would side with the trumpets so why bother

You're running late? What took you so long? Is the dem bat signal on the fritz again?

I am glad I could give you an opportunity for your childish insults, seems like you are not aging backwards. I hope you have good care with your decline surprise

 Anyone with any sense knows that CA is ridiculous with taxes,

We should all pay more federal taxes just in case the state of Mississippi needs to buy Brett Favre's kids more presents.  

These last two responses say more about your demographic than you'd care to let on.

I am totally open about my demographic. What a fun conversation. Lovely lovely little group of folks from woke to all the way to you know who...

i am here winters in California… the bike lane and real infrastructure and in general a caring and compassionate diverse populace with some remarkable educational and research institutions are worth the freight $$$$ imo… Of course.. i retreat to Seattle summers and often chasing fish in BC.. i wouldn’t mind in the least leaving red terror ignorance behind and joining Canada…

My demographic is of the world… i don't need to rename the Gulf for my weak sense of self in the larger planet….

We call them seagulls. They fly in, crap all over everything, and then leave.

But these guys crap on thread after thread, and never leave.

I guess we can call them The Squad. that’s what their leaders called themselves. And of course they don’t think for themselves, they just parrot what their leaders tell them to say.

When The Squad shows up on your thread, you can forget what the thread was all about. Now it is just "Orange Man Bad" and other versions of their endless obsession.

oh yeah....  crapping threads with facts and sanity.... are annoying to your cult.

can you create a closed group though where you won't have to bother with it?

I guess we can call them The Squad. that’s what their leaders called themselves.

That's amusing coming from some one whose role model and hero is a known rapist and a convicted felon. 

DT is about as disgusting as a human being can evolve into. What’s worse is that he is destroying democracy and his cult followers are too stupid to understand. PSYOP has taken over their brain. Just ask Nebraska farm owners how they feel now that they are losing the family farm.

The Squad? OMG. Sounds like someone should have taken a left turn at Albuquerque.