My Shockwave Ethernet Device Review

Shockwave Ethernet Device.

I am using an EtherRegen device, that in my case I am using it to send the Fiber cable to my Lumin X1. So, the only ethernet cable (WW Platinum 8) I have is from my Modem to the EtherRegen. All of these items are within a different room, different AC line, that I call the computer room. Which along with the standard cable equipment, includes not only the EtherRegen, but an After Dark Clock and a Linear power supply. Along with Add-Powr 8 outlet strip.

In the past I have tried several ethernet “add-on” devices. Some helped maybe a little, most seemed to restrict the soundstage. So, I was a bit skeptical about this latest device, the Shockwave Ethernet Device from Rick Schultz.

After inserting it, I noticed, maybe some improvements in sound quality, but to me, definitely not worth the cost. I did read some of his verbiage in the ad from customers who tried it and some liked it immediately while others said it took a while to do its thing. Several of the people raved about it after the next day’s performance.

With my first impression however, I was not so impressed. Here are some of my notes; “Sounds larger, but there seems to be more midrange and not enough bass.” The bass I heard I thought was not clear and a little boomy.

As we crazy audiophiles do, I went through many different configurations with it and my other tweaks. (Snubway, Main Stream, Eau 4, Puron’s etc.) Trying to discover if there was a potential interaction with my other devices. At the end of that adventure, I removed the Shockwave and decided it was just not for me.

I don’t know why, but eventually I tried it again. However, this time, (based on my many trials) I reinserted the Shockwave without the EAU 2 that was in my Main Audio System outlet. (Note: different circuit)

So, as I sat down to listen and evaluate the Shockwave for the umpteenth time, this time I took notice. There was a huge separation in the instruments within the soundstage. I played “Stairway to Heaven” via Qobuz and son of a gun, this recording, that I have heard for zillion of times sounded different. The instruments were so clear and so very separated. I felt I could have twanged a string on Jimmy Page’s guitar, very impressive. Hmm…

And now the bass sounded tighter as I remember from before the Shockwave.

Is this a case of the unit still needing more usage time? Or was the action of disconnecting/reconnecting this magnetic infused designed device now working as designed?

And what about on another circuit in my Main Audio dedicated line outlet the removal of the EAU ? BTW, I will still revisit this.

I dunno, but I have now got to say, this Shockwave device is not only shocking, but quite remarkable.

Will your milage vary? Curious to hear from other users.



Today, the gain in volume is also noticeable. Everything sounds like it is multiplied from within.


I guess there is not much product out there yet. My review is based on using the Shockwave with my EtherRegen which outputs fiber to my Lumin X1.

I would think that those of you who have a Streamer with a direct ethernet connection would probably benefit more.


This is a very fine product; it has changed my view of streaming audio quality. There is now NO difference between streaming and playing CD. SACD, etc. at least in my system. You guys gotta try it!

Next, I'm gonna try the New CF-1 AC plug in device.
