Bruce Springsteen crosses the Rubicon.


To paraphrase Llewelyn Moss in No Country For Old Men, I’m fixin’ to do somethin’ dumber than Hell, but I’m gonna anyway. I don’t blame anyone for not wanting this topic to be brought up on a hi-fi site, and can’t fault anyone for asking it to be deleted.

Now that I’ve admitted it, has Springsteen done likewise? That is, doing that which is considered unwise in show business: Making a public pronouncement regarding politics. Not just a pronouncement, but a full 30 second (I believe) commercial. In show business that is considered unwise because you may just offend a potential consumer of your "product", in this case music. Bruce’s opinion is shared by Willie Nelson, who has been seen in public wearing a t-shirt proclaiming his choice for a certain high office, his choice the same as Bruce’s. I don’t really have to state the name of that choice, do I?


Neil Young raised quite a few eyebrows when during the 1980 election he declared himself to be a Reagan Democrat. Is his music of that era being as bad as it is related to his then mental condition? Well, Neil is feeling better now, and while suing one of the candidates seeking a certain higher office for using his song "Rockin’ In The Free World" at said candidate’s rallies, he is allowing the candidate’s opponents to use the song at theirs. Neil, all is forgiven. wink


Should entertainers use their platform to express their political opinions? Now that anybody can become a YouTube "star", everyone has a platform. Bruce, Willie, and Neil are not just entertainers, but artists, and I doubt they think their audiences will stop buying their product for stating their opinions. Well, maybe some of Willie’s. He is a Texan, after all.

In 2008 my bassist partner and I drove from L.A. to Austin, to check out the housing situation (we were considering selling our houses and moving). As we crossed the huge state of Texas, all we saw were McCain/Palin lawn signs. That is until we approached Austin, after which it was almost exclusively Obama/Biden. A blue city, right in the middle of a red state.



Wasn't Bruce pretty outspoken prior to the '04 election?  I've lost track, maybe it was '08 or '12 or even all three?

Its funny (or sad) to think that anyone could be (or in fact is) 'influenced' by opinion of a pop star, no matter what the stance is. Than again, does anyone really believes that the true choice or real difference actually exists?

In all of the modern societies, as far as I know, only in Switzerland exists the model that in many ways seems closest to a notion of a proper democracy, meaning, for any major decision they have referendum. Since the Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation in 1848. they held 695 referedums with all variety of things to choose.

Just for the curiosity, they even had a referendum about the general guaranteed monthly income, for all Swiss citizens, who could get the money from the state no matter if they are employed or not. The proposal was that anyone should receive monthly amount of 2500 chf (some 2700usd) and 625chf ( 700 usd) for any child under 18. Guess what? They voted No

@alexatpos +1


who gives a hoot what an Entertainer has to say about Politics?

As for being afraid to alienate certain segments of a potential market-by this time Springsteen has accumulated enough wealth not to care.

Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Lynard Skynard, Judy Collins, Dixie Chicks,etc., etc.

If you are a human being you can have and express an opinion on any topic.  There was a time when if you were knowledgeable and well spoken that your opinion was respected.  Not necessarily agreed with, but at a minimum respected.  Unfortunately this is no longer the case for a significant segment of our population.  The general populace is losing the ability to discern fact from fiction.  It's the political equivalent of Gresham's Law -- lies and misinformation drives out the truth.

I applaud all public figures who openly express their political beliefs.  I don't look down at pop stars anymore than I look up to business leaders.  Good information is good information regardless of the source.

The need to spread the message that it is imperative to keep that guy out of office transcends the normal discourse boundaries of a given subject matter forum. I applaud anyone who can help in this matter of paramount importance. 

Bruce has been politically outspoken for years. He is well known as one of Obama's close friiend. It's always unsettling when multi millionaire artists root for the distribution of the wealth, the main element of the left philosophy, after they achieved their capitalist $ goal. They should put their money where their mouth is and distribute THEIR wealth. That would really make their case.

 Who gives two shits what Springsteen and the limousine liberals think? People are such sheep. Every audiophile only cares what Taylor Swift thinks.

When I go to a concert, I expect to hear music, not the political leanings of the artist. I don’t want to pay a good chunk of my hard earned money to be held captive while the artist holds a truncated political rally between songs whether I agree with him or not. 



earthtones +1

onhwy61 +1

I confess I do value the opinion of a limousine liberal over a tinkertoy Tesla truck tyrant. 

Now THAT'S alliteration!

I think that it's a big mistake for any entertainer to open their mouths about politics because besides turning off fans who have opposing views, it appears that they think that their opinion should be considered important because of their fame, whether or not that is true. It's always a bad idea, but they continue to do it of course.  

Famous people have one responsibility. To make this a better world. (Yeah, sounds naive, but that simple) Thar’s exactly what he is doing, trying to save us from total disaster. (As proved by Hungary, a giant economic and moral collapse and sh%tshow)

Trump supporters are either rich assholes or shitty morons.  Hooray for Bruce!

Famous people have one responsibility. To make this a better world. 

Pretty much think that's everyone's responsibility.

By the way, every state is blue cities surrounded by red rural areas.  Every state.

@thecarpathian true, but in a bigger sense: struggling people (70%+ of the world) are trying to put food on the table for their kids, they don’t have the luxury to practice that noble yet humble mission). Although they can do so by not voting for monsters.



it’s called population density. higher density = democrats, lower= republicans

Post removed 


Here come the cheap insults and upcoming deletion of this discussion. 

@baylinor Mr. Springsteen has a well documented history of philanthropy.  BTW, societal wealth distribution is not a left/right issue.  People on both sides think the current wealth imbalance is not compatible with long term economic growth and stability.


At a current worth of 1.2 Billions, Bruce is a perfect example of current wealth imbalance. My point was he can start rectifying that himself.

I often wonder what Johnny Cash might have to say these days  if he were still with us.

Can’t wait to see his memorial statue in the Capital. That should give people something to think about.

@baylinor with his philanthropic activities that is exactly what he is doing.  Do you understand?

Some rich people are also philanthropists. They try to do the world some good. Others not so much.

the "best" philanthropists bring attention to issues and make others pay the bill.

Some then use the money raised to have their legal bills paid.

Best I can tell from tax records info, Bruce has spent a little over 1 million $ in donations over 10 years. He is worth nearly 1,200 millions. Of course, it takes a lot of dough to maintain his 400 acres estate. Meaning he does not impress me as a grand philantropist. But I'm no fan of his music either, other than his very first album which was when he was unable, or willing to pay his taxes. Proof that the best art often comes before the money and the fame.

A artist's or 'entertainer's' views are inherently worth no less than anybody else's; I know where I stand, but I wish more artists would express their views. 

Artists have often expressed their opinions through their art.  Showing an explicit support for a candidate is not that revolutionary. I don’t think someone sharing a political view should prevent me from enjoying the artists work.  I can respect anyone who has a consistent principled moral ethic even if I disagree with it.  Here’s an interesting video on the mathematical impossibility of democracy for anyone interested.

This topic has been raised before, with similar results. 

Those who criticize artists for daring to (gasp) step out of their assigned roles as entertainers always seem to single out liberal-leaning artists. To criticize a right-leaning artist for the same thing would, of course, be "trampling on free speech" and advocating "censorship". 








By the way, it was during Nicolle Wallace’s show on Friday that I saw the Springsteen ad. Oops, now I’ve shown my true colors. wink

Nicolle was a lifelong Republican who worked in the campaigns of G.W. Bush and John McCain (in my opinion an American patriot and hero), but is now working to defeat another Republican. As are Dick & Liz Cheney.

In hi-fi news, I’m off to attend today’s Record Show at the Doubletree Hotel in Portland, cash in hand. Wish me luck! Might finally meet YouTube Vinyl Community star Mazzy, who's coming down from Seattle to attend. We both grew up in the Bay Area, and were both in attendance when The Who performed Tommy in 1969 at one of the SF ballrooms.


@stuartk very valid point.

The other talking point is - when liberals protest for or against something (PEACEFULLY for 99%), they argument is - "they are vandals! why can’t we just get along?" when they storm the capital, that’s they freedom of speech, they are just defending their rights (while beating up cops).


@bdp24 that's confusing. Maybe as confusing as this - I am as liberal as they come but I voted for McCain and not Obama


@gano: I know just what you mean. I could have voted for either, but figured McCain had done more to earn it than had Obama. I actually could vote for neither, as I had recently moved around the time of the election.


I’m all for the freedom of anyone to express their political opinions as long as the intention is not to foster violence, racism, et al...

Just not during a concert. It’s not what I paid for.

That said, I totally agree with him and see nothing wrong with what he’s done outside the arena. Spread that message, Bruce!


Texas used to be a Blue state. 

Austin and Houston have always been Blue.

Dallas is a law and order town and Red. 


Texas, all we saw were McCain/Palin lawn signs. That is until we approached Austin, after which it was almost exclusively Obama/Biden. A blue city, right in the middle of a red state.

"Isn’t Pedo Nugent still the hero of the right?"

The right has so many twisted champions I think they now include Skeletor and Cruella DeVill...

@immatthewj   So what about Jeffrey and Diddy? They are your hero's no? 

Isn’t Pedo Nugent still the hero of the right?