Help with high end bookshelf speakers

I need help please. Past few years I'm gone through a myriad of speakers and now my wife is relegating me to a third bedroom for a dedicated listing space. I'm trying to figure out what kind of bookshelf speakers I can use with a Hegel 390, Auralic, Denafrips DAC in an 11x12 room. Trying to decide if I need to change my whole system or find something that works with what I have.

Thanks everyone


OP, relegated to the third bedroom, grow a pair! Unless your wife is the major breadwinner, you have a say in this! Don’t be meek, don’t be pushed, or bullied around. Put it where you want it; at least a realistic space in your home. A three bedroom House? Come on.

Whatever speakers you pursue, I recommend for a room that size that they be sealed/acoustic suspension. Speakers with that design interact less with one's (small) room, can be placed closer to the back wall if needed, and can be paired with a sub (or subs) more easily because their output drops off sharply below the -3 dB point. I speak from experience using bookshelf speakers in a 13' x 13' home office.

Got the H590 with M30.1 and M40.2 - definitely Harbeth!!!















….. Don’t bother skipping to the conclusion of this review, as I’ll tell you right now: The Reference 3A Reflector is a great speaker. If one has been searching for a stand-mounted speaker anywhere near its asking price of $12,000, these are the speakers to get.
Not only do they do everything that one would expect of for a speaker of its size and price, but much, much more. They commit no errors of omission I can think of, other than missing the deepest bass, nor do they commit any errors of commission that I’ve become aware of during its audition period…”



Nice comedy routine you have there!

Yes, 11 x 12 is not optimum, but it is certainly possible to get great hi-fi, high end audio quality in such a room. 

I have a room slightly larger than that, with well placed (mostly DIY) room treatment, and I have no problems getting the speakers to disappear, with a soundstage that extends well beyond the outer edges of my speakers, and quite deep.

Sure, it took some work to get the bass to sound right, but it is definitely high end sound quality.